Dermoscopy itself is a deep science and when timely used can prove to be a life-saving tool.
Dermoscopy is performed with a handheld instrument called a dermatoscope. The procedure allows for the visualization of subsurface skin structures in the epidermis, at the dermo-epidermal junction, and in the upper dermis; these structures are usually not visible to the naked eye. The dermoscopic images may be photographed or recorded digitally for storage or sequential analysis. Dermoscopy of hair and scalp is called trichoscopy.

Application of dermatoscopy
- The typical application of dermatoscopy is early detection of melanoma
- Digital dermatoscopy images are stored and compared to images obtained during the patient’s next visit. Suspicious changes in such a lesion are an indication for excision. skin lesions, which appear unchanged over time are considered benign.
- Aids in the diagnosis of skin tumors – such as basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, cylindromas, dermatofibromas, angiomas, seborrheic keratosis and many other common skin tumors have classical dermatoscopic findings.
- Aids in the diagnosis of scabies and pubic louse By magnifying pubic louse, it allows for rapid diagnosis of the difficult to see small insects.
- Aids in the diagnosis of warts. By allowing a physician to visualize the structure of a wart, to distinguish it from corn, callouses, trauma, or foreign bodies.
- Aids in the diagnosis of fungal infections.
- Aids in the diagnosis of hair and scalp diseases, such as alopecia areata, female androgenic alopecia,monilethrix, Netherton syndrome, and woolly hair syndrome.
At La Skinnovita, we emphasize the use of dermatoscope to rule out any suspicious lesions, irregularities and receding hair growth pattern. We also maintain a record of the dermatoscope images which helps us to ascertain the treatment protocol for our patients.