Skin Care

Top skin care tips for Holi that you need to know

By March 23, 2016 No Comments

Holi marks the onset of summers and is a festival of colours, fun, love and enjoyment. Playing with colours is fun but in all this we forget the damage the synthetic colours make to our skin, nails and hair.

So, to have a safe Holi, make sure you follow the tips mentioned below:


  • Try to wear clothes that cover all parts of your body. The least your body is exposed the lesser is the colour you need to take out from your body.
  • Go herbal this Holi. Use natural colours as they are easy to wash off and are less harsh on your skin.
  • Apply a thick layer of coconut oil, olive oil or Vaseline on your body before you go out for celebrating the Holi Special Skin care Tips_Laskinnovita 2festival of colours. This forms a protective layer on your skin that prevents colour sticking to them and it is easier to wash it away.
  • Oiling in places like behind the ear, between fingertips, near fingernails is very important.
  • Trim your nails and apply dark nail paint on the nails of your hands and feet so that there is no deposition of the colour at the nail bed.
  • Make sure to tie your hair or cover your head with a hat or a scarf so that the colour doesn’t come in direct contact with your hair.
  • Using strong chemicals can lead to dehydrated and dry skin. So, make sure you drink lots and lots of water to keep your body hydrated.
  • Don’t wash your face again and again while playing Holi, as this will take away the moisture from your face.


  • Use a mild cleanser to clean the colour off from your skin. Don’t scrub harshly as it will leave your skin dry and itchy.
  • Apply a good moisturizer immediately after you clean your face or body, as it will help to nourish your skin.
  • Some Holi colours are oil soluble; they can be easily removed by rubbing with homemade pack of besan, Curd, turmeric and oil.Holi Special Skin care Tips_Laskinnovita 3





Follow these simple tips and have an enjoyable Holi.

Stay safe, play with natural colours and spread love.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for any post Holi problems for both skin and hair.

Team La Skinnovita

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